
Essentials of Business Communication with Access Card 3-e好物折扣

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Essentials of Business Communication with Access Card 3-e好物折扣 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Description

博客來網路書局博客來網路書店Students might find it a challenge to orientate themselves to the working world. In Essentials of Business Communication this book serves to bridge that gap with useful learning tools provided in the book and local examples that will be relevant to the Asian student. From detailed grammar/mechanics exercises to resources like the communication workshop to promote career skills, your learning experience will be meaningful and engaging. Students will also be trained to become an effective communicator in today's wired and mobile workplace.

?This book helps to reinforce basic communication and writing skills in different business settings. Students will find useful tips to be proficient in both written and oral communication, and be better prepared for the working world.
?The Premium Web site provides you with invaluable resources to help you excel in this course and develop workplace communication skills.
?Improve your proficiency and enrich your learning with features like Flashcards that help you memorize glossary terms and The Personal Language Trainer which will boost your grammar skills.
博客來?Interactive group exercises at the end of chapters to facilitate and enhance your overall learning experience.
博客來書店?This edition also features a new chapter on writing business plans and proposals.

Essentials of Business Communication with Access Card 3-e好物折扣 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2016/03/03
  • 語言:英文

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Essentials of Business Communication with Access Card 3-e好物折扣

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